Wednesday, July 30, 2014


It’s hard to express how it feel,
One curse of life which is difficult to deal.
When it comes, everything in life begins to haunts,
It is one punishment that no one wants.

Blessed are those who didn’t get caught in its trap,
Even a lonely millionaire realizes that all else is just a scrap.
It is the worst of them all as they say,
Even the strongest can fall and become it’s pray.

It makes the sweetest victory taste very bitter,
As you have no one to share, than it really doesn't matter.
It makes one take needless and vicious steps,
Endangering their life, so awful is its effects.

It’s just an illusion that the world is walking along,
Even in crowd, the heart cries as no where it belongs.
Sometimes its temporary, sometime it looks permanent in life,
Even a thought of it can cut like a knife.

But like many other obstacles its life’s way to teach you,
Stop mourning even if this evil has reach you,
The time has gone to do some self pity,
God will not test one beyond its limits and capacity.

But now the question is how this evil can be conquered,
Search in your heart it’s already answered,
A misconception one holds is that he thinks he is the only,
Look around there are so many lonely,
All one has to do is find one from many of those,

Two comes together and life begins to smell like rose.

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